Imagine a life of Well Being…

A life self-fulfilled with happiness, contentment and on purpose. Enjoying true quality of life in your health, work, family and relationships. You deserve to feel safe, aware and empowered and you alone hold the keys to your own freedom and the ability to change your future. We are here to help.

Upcoming Events

Discover the upcoming events at the Center and the pacific Northwest!

Experience the Crystal Stargate...

A Frequency Vortex of sound and 24 finely tuned Crystal Glass Orbs with an uplifting energy that dispels negativity, leaving you feeling positive healthier and more balanced. It is one of only a few in the United States.

Call to schedule your 30 minute session.


Watch A Testimonial Video About The Stargate 

Life Enhancing – Complimentary Modalities and Area’s of Support

Promoting Wellness by integrating the Mind, Body and Spirit in a holistic approach

Enjoy regularly scheduled Educational Presentations


Live and video classes are offered from local and nationally recognized talent.

We embrace relationships with local practitioners, and affiliates that will enhance the community and benefit the whole.

Unity Consciousness is a focus at the NW Center 4Well Being

You will find the teachings of Abraham Hicks with the law of Attraction,  Mastery Systems Inc – Conscious Language, Raymon Grace with Dowsing, Royal Rife, Hulda Clark, Hannah Kroger, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Emoto, Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay’s various teachings as well as many more leading luminaries.

As a 501c3 non-profit, The NW Center 4 Well Being is solely supported by donation.

Make A Donation

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